Levy Notice

What do you do when you get a notice of levy?

Have you received a levy notice from the IRS? This will most likely be called a Notice of Intent to Levy. This document simply suggests that the government is going to pursue your bank accounts, wages, and assets as a means of collecting tax debt from you. Chances are you have been behind on payments or have no filed tax returns in quite some time, and the IRS is now seeking reimbursement in whatever way possible.

The team here at BC Tax can help you get past this levy notice by negotiating a deal with the IRS on your behalf. We will work to get you a payoff plan you can afford without having to lose out on your wages or assets. If you want to protect what you already have within the confines of the legal system, this is the best route to take.

If you choose to ignore your levy notice, you could lose your house, your car, your business, or a substantial portion of your income. It is much better to pay off your past due taxes on your own terms. You can’t get out of paying altogether, but you can get a plan that works in your favor. We will help you do that.

Talk to one of the tax experts at BC Tax and see what we can do for you. We will look over your Notice of Intent to Levy and your current accounts to see what the best course of action will be.

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See What Others Are Saying About BC Tax

Renee StarRenee Star
00:48 24 Jul 24
Hire these people if you owe the IRS or Colorado money ASAP. They got me out of a lot of trouble fast. Reasonable price for a quality service.... They’ll help you spread payments out over years and get the balance knocked down considerably. Wish i knew about this a lot sooner.read more
Hayat KhanHayat Khan
22:04 22 Jul 24
chuck gaetanochuck gaetano
18:13 18 Jul 24
2021 My taxes were a nightmare. I hired a firm that did more Damage than good. I got a call from Dan from BC Tax , LLC . He has been working to help... me . I owed over $ 40,000 . I am a Vet . I have been out of work for 2 yrs . I have Zero income and waiting results from SS . Dan knows his job well . Not to mention he assured me we will get this done in a timely manner. I finally got the help I needed . I see Advertising for tax relief EVERYWHERE!!!!! Most are scams . BC Tax ,LLC is Not a scam . I recommend it to Any and all vets . Dan is your man . SFMF 👍. I stressed over this WAY to long ! Thanx Again Dan. I guess I spoke to soon . I got absolutely no where with this firm another $1,000 gone with NOTHING to show .read more

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